
Never Going Home: World War Occult Role Playing

Created by Wet Ink Games

Eldritch Horror Role Playing in the Trenches of World War One

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Complete your BackerKit Survey!
about 5 years ago – Tue, Feb 05, 2019 at 02:09:50 PM

 Complete your BackerKit

89% of backers have completed the BackerKit survey, and we get a few more each day. You should have received a number of e-mails about BackerKit. We need this information to be completed so we can get our final production numbers and keep our process moving. Please go out and complete your BackerKit survey as soon as possible. Failure to do so may result in a delay in getting your pledged rewards, and no one wants that. The survey will close at the end of February, so please get the information in so delivery of your reward is not delayed. 

Some of you who pledged for PDFs or at $1 levels have asked if it is required to complete the form, and we have stated that it isn't going to delay your pledges. 

Be on the lookout for another update over the next few weeks with some cool information about Never Going Home, GenCon, and new stuff coming from Wet Ink Games.

January Update: Progress continues!
over 5 years ago – Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 03:11:51 PM

Quick Update

Hey everyone!

We continue to move forward on development. Some stretch goal writers have started to get their drafts to us, and they're looking great! The art for the GM sceen and some direction on the Journey Cards have been assigned so we can get those orders in sooner rather than later. The dice and card orders are going to be made as soon as the backer kit closes.

That reminds me...

Complete your BackerKit

So far 86% of backers have completed the BackerKt. You should have received a number of e-mails about BackerKit. We need this information to be completed so we can get our final production numbers and keep our process moving. Please go out and complete your BackerKit survey as soon as possible. the survey will close at the end of February. 

BackerKit Surveys have been sent!
over 5 years ago – Mon, Dec 24, 2018 at 10:01:44 PM

We weren't expecting approval from the Backer Kit team until after the holiday, but they got it approved quickly and we sent our smoke test to a limited number of backers. This is all great news (which Brandon jokingly called a "Christmas miracle"), and means that all surveys have been sent out! Thanks again. 

Quick update and Happy Holidays!
over 5 years ago – Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 07:21:39 PM

Greetings Soldiers!  

It’s been a busy couple weeks since the end of the Kickstarter. Matt played the first public game of Never Going Home with a few lucky folks at a local gaming event. Things went very well. We had people who came to the table because they were backers, because they loved the one-line “horror in WWI” pitch, and because they liked the art. Everything was working as expected and he says he can’t wait to run again.  

Brandon has been hard at work talking to vendors and getting contracts and content out to freelancers. We want to make sure we get the best price and quality for the number of sets we have to deliver. Numbers are looking good. He’s also been putting all the details together for our Backer Kit. Backer kit will be how you can modify your pledge and update your address and contact information if it changes between now and delivery time. There you will be able to add any items you may want to include or have additional copies of, like the main book or extra dice. The Backer Kit page and the Pre-order store for those who missed the Kickstarter have been submitted for approval, so you all should be seeing the e-mail as soon as it is approved. There will be another update with that information. Shipping will be collected via the Backer Kit, and we took great pains to get the price for our international backer as low as possible. This is always a struggle for companies our size, but we’re always striving to improve.  

Art not final
Art not final

We also have a design for the Occult dice back from artist Charles Ferguson-Avery. They look great. The design includes traditional card suits for GMs who want to be extra nasty and throw randomly-generated Journey requirements at their units. Thanks, Charles. If you love Charles’ art, take a look at his own Kickstarter running now: Into the Wyrd and Wild.  

We have one more thing to share with you all. We already have some fan art! This is a piece by Steven Wu, one of the writers unlocked by our backer numbers stretch goals. Steven is an artist as well as a writer and he did this “on a whim”. We love it and this piece hits all the right notes Never Going Home is going for. Thanks, Steven.

THANK YOU!!! What next?
over 5 years ago – Wed, Dec 05, 2018 at 06:17:18 PM

Thank you!

First and foremost, we here at Wet Ink Games what to extend a large and heartfelt THANK YOU for all of your support for this project, both financially and through the spreading the word of our project. We most definitely could not have done it without every one of you. We managed to unlock 31 stretch goals, including a number of Mission Folios, Adversaries, physical books, dice, character journals and are really excited to see each of these produced and into your hands. 

What next?

Well, we're not going to be resting on our laurels here. We'll be attending a local convention (Nerdlouvia) where we'll be running this game for some eager gamers. We've already had some meetings with additional business partners eager to work with us to make this the best game possible, and we know it will be. 

The BackerKit is being worked on as we speak and should be sent out to all of you by the middle of the month, barring any speed-bumps. During this step, you'll be able to allocate any additional funds you pledged to specific products, purchase additional products, and even pick up copies of other Wet Ink Games products. Be on the lookout for another update as we get there.

We'll also be sending updates at least once a month throughout the process to keep you informed. If you would like to stay in touch with us and in the loop for all Wet Ink Games projects, you can follow us on Facebook at the following link: WET INK GAMES

Into the Wyrd and Wild

If the art of Charles Ferguson-Avery is one of the things that drew you to our project, you should definitely check out his current project he launched this week. This is an awesome book which can be used for OSR or similar dungeon-crawling games where the wilds of the earth are treated as though they're as dangerous as the depths below. The book is great and the art is amazing! Check it out at the link here: Into the Wyrd and Wild